Hilferuf aus China
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Vom Erdbeben in China haben Sie aus den Nachrichten gehört. Das war weit weg, doch soo weit weg ist das in unserer heutigen Welt nicht. Hier die Bitte um Unterstützung vom chinesischen Schädlingsbekämpfer-Verband:
Vom DSV an DpS und Sie: Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,dieser Hilferuf kommt aus China. Wenn jemand eine Idee oder eine Möglichkeit der Hilfestellung sieht, bitte mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen.Mit freundlichen GrüßenRainer GsellVon der CEPA an den DSV: Dear CEPA Colleagues
Many of you will have met Pascal Cai from the Chinese Pest Control Association at EUROPEST. Below is a message CEPA has received from Pascal seeking assistance and support for the public health problems subsequent to the devastating earthquake in China. I have attached the formal request which has the contact details for any support that your associations or companies are able to give to our industry colleagues in China and the personal note to us all from Pascal.
Please assist in any way that you can. Although I am currently travelling on private business in Latin America please keep CEPA, through email to me, informed of any support you are able to offer.
Like me, some of you may have received a similar request from the NPMA.
aus China Hi Rob,As you might have learned, there was a massive earthquake in China on May 12th. Now the efforts have been shifted to caring for the survivors. There are 5 million people lost their homes and have to cope with living outdoor in a very unsanitary environment. With summer fast approaching, pest control will become (if not already has become) a pressing issue. CPCA has started a petition to domestic members to donate money or pest control products to help the relief efforts. The resources have been stretched very thin due to the scale of the tragedy, so CPCA is asking our oversea friends for help. If you could distribute this message to your members where you see fits, it would be greatly appreciated! It doesn't really have to be monetary, anything related to pest control would help tremendously. Thank you so much, Rob!Pascal Spendenkonten u.a. unter www.stuttgarter-nachrichten.de/page/detail.php/1706974