Veränderungen bei Killgerm

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Die britische Killgerm Group, in den letzten Jahrzehnten geprägt von ihrem Chef Jonathan Peck, verändert ihre Führungsstruktur.

  • Jonathan Peck wird sich aus dem operativen Tagesgeschäft zurückziehen und sich mehr internationalen und strategischen Aufgaben widmen. Wer ihn kennt weiß: ruhiger wird es für ihn dadurch nicht.
  • Rupert Broome wird ab Juni als Managing Director das operative Tagesgeschäft übernehmen. Broome war seit 2003 für Bell Laboraties tätig, zuletzt als "Direktor für Europa, Mittleren Osten, Afrika und Asien".
  • Peter Kitson rückt auf zum stellvertretenden Geschäftsführer.

Hier der Original-Pressetext:

Killgerm have announced a change in the Management Structure of the Group Board.Jonathan Peck, who has been Chairman and Group Managing Director of Killgerm Group since its inception, is handing over the day-to-day commercial management of the Group to a new Managing Director. Far from retiring, he will concentrate as Group Chairman on developing Killgerm's role in promoting the pest control industry generally and its role in protecting public and environmental health in particular. This will include Killgerm's work with the CIEH National Pest Advisory Panel and industry bodies such as CRRU and RAMPS.

Peter Kitson will remain as the Group Finance Director but has also been appointed as the Deputy Chairman. Raymond Harrop will continue as the Group Commercial Director, concentrating on Killgerm's product distribution business. Sabra Fearon will continue as Group Marketing and Public Affairs Director responsible for the promotion of the Groups brands. She will also continue to promote Professional Women in Pest Management.

Rupert Broome will join the Killgerm Group Board as the new Managing Director in June and will be responsible for developing the Groups commercial activities in future. Rupert has been at Bell Laboratories since 2003 and is currently the International Director for Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Well-known in the industry, he has considerable experience of the production and distribution of biocidal products.

"Now that I am an old age pensioner", says Jonathan Peck, "I believe that this is the right time to bring in new expertise to lead the Group through the next generation. Having known Rupert and worked with him since he came into the industry, I know how experienced and professional he is. We are very fortunate that he is joining us".

Killgerm is the UK's and Europe's leading distributor of pest control products. It is also a major manufacturer of electronic fly killers which it supplies to over 80 countries. It has recently taken over the Paragon distribution business and the Talunex range of aluminium phosphide products in the UK and RIWA in the Netherlands. Last year, it set up PestWest China to promote and distribute its products in the expanding Chinese market.

"I am delighted to be joining Killgerm at this exciting time", says Rupert. "Killgerm Group's performance over the past few years has made it a major international player with the resources needed to develop new products, provide first class training and support for customers and take advantage of a number of potentially interesting opportunities that are available to it."

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